Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The intriguing writer, new friend of mine (thanks to the local Etsy Craft Party),  and owner of Existential Ella has a philosophy that I love:

"We are more than what we wear.  Language, religion, art, clothing – none of these things, no matter how great or how small, can really define us.  However, fashion gives us an opportunity to express our creativity.
Real style isn’t defined by a trend, runway collections, absurdly priced or mass produced goods.  Style comes from within, and can be expressed without.  Our lives should be enhanced by our adornments, not controlled by them."

So needless to say, I was beyond excited to be her latest pick for her 'Etsy Shop of the Week.' 
You can check out the article, on her blog, here

Make sure to check out her etsy too!

Thank you so much, dear! 
You are truly too kind and incredibly awesome.