Friday, July 19, 2013

I've been noticing something lately.
I've realized that being a dreamer is hard work.
It leaves you wanting and needing so many things.
But it also keeps you fighting for them.

We were just in Colorado for a week.
If you've been around awhile, you know that Colorado is where my heart is.
I love the weather, the nature, the sports.
I love the people, the art, the culture.

I fell in love with Mount Evans. It's a beautiful fourteener and home of the highest paved road in North America.
We were chased by a storm the whole way up, where it was 40 degrees and raining sideways. We got stuck in the clouds up there.
I got stuck in the clouds up there.
With wild flowers- and green- and long horn sheep, it's hard not to.
It makes all of my dreaming completely come to life.
But it also amplifies my dreams. It echoes them. It makes me want to climb higher, see more, discover a place that I feel I can truly not live without.
It grew so much inspiration in me.
It pulled at my pieces.
It drank from my mind.
It created bigger dreams, louder, more vibrant than ever. 

I cannot wait to discover more of America, which sounds so funny when you are an American... but this year, I have really realized what a wonderful place I live in. What North America has to offer. What amazing differences in land, vegetation, weather, and wildlife you can see here.
It is truly an incredibly impressive, beautiful thing.

I am so ready for my next stop and I cannot wait to share it with you.


  1. i'm with you on this.
    i cannot wait to retire in 29 months/10 days so that i can see more of america.
    i'll be certain to catch up with you in my travels!!

    love all this scenery from dreamy and misty and full of love. and dreams.

    love you, sweet thing.

  2. These pictures are just beautiful. Makes me want to live in a van by a river, even more than I already want to. :)
