Sunday, September 29, 2013

I am angry today, birds.
And my coffee is feeling a bit like my black powder this morning.
I'm two stamps from postal.

I love what Instagram has done for my business, I love the fellow artists and entrepreneurs that it has brought me close with, I love the friends that it has given me both here, in the US, and overseas. It really is a great application. It has helped me to grow my brand, make sales, pay my bills...
It's great.

With that being said, it is also a terrible device for those who cannot think on their own. It has become a system for some to follow others and do, what I like to call, "inspiration shop." And it is driving me absolutely mad. People who follow me are now starting to create a blurred line between my own work and theirs, people who I talk to everyday. People here, and people overseas. It's just saddening.

My Talismen are one of them. It's what makes me the most upset. It's, quite honestly, my most treasured design. My favorite thought that has ever come to be.  That first one I made, do you remember it? I can't tell you just how proud it made me. How it made me feel different. How people took notice and I really felt like I could hold my head up high. I felt like I had made the perfect product of myself. And now? Six. SIX different metalsmiths are knocking them off on Instagram. It's heart breaking.. I understand this may sound petty to you. I do, I get that. But for me? This piece was a ticket. It was, and still is, my heart in metal. It was what I had always wanted Ashley Weber | against he grain to be. Something different. Something bold. Something beautiful.

We all agree, coincidences happen. They do. They completely do- we are all very much inspired by a lot of the same, and literal translations are destined to reflect the same kind of look... but these, these are not that. 
I'm in a very tight knit circle of metalsmiths, and we are all seeing it. We are all frustrated... but do we leave such a powerful application behind, just because of those who cannot create on their own? Do we give up that avenue? Do we call others out? Do we hope that their cheating does not effect our business? Our art? Our passion?
I'm lost here.
I'm shocked.
I'm sick of it.

Thank you for letting me vent here, lovies.
I know you are all so wonderful and supportive.
I know most of you probably understand these feelings.

I know we all are here to enjoy originality.
I just hope I can keep my line as thick of a divide as possible.
I don't want to sacrifice myself.
I will not sacrifice myself. 


  1. I'm sorry.
    It opens up all manner of arguments about creative license, inspiration, and people blatantly riding on your coat tails.
    Don't bend. These are yours, they are you. I believe that your vision, your intent, your energy comes through in your pieces.

  2. you ARE something different
    you ARE something bold
    you Are something beautiful

    I have seen this is sad a frustrating
    but the thing to remember is your soul, your heart is not in those though they me appear the same they will not hold, could not hold the magic that your creations do.
    As one who wears hand crafted jewelry I carry the piece of the artist when I wear their work...I feel their passion and creative fire and that is what makes the piece that much more alive....
    I know these words can not cover the struggle of this...but I just wanted you to know
    what you do matters
    no one can take that from you....or copy your spirit

    much love and light to you Ashley

  3. Damn copy catters.
    I don't ever go to Instagram. I'm sorry that you are feeling thrown in with the rest of the bunch.
    I remember the first time I saw your work, it was like none I'd ever seen before.
    It is unique. It is YOU. And you mustn't worry your pretty little head about that.
    Easier said than done, I'm sure.
    I did visit your Instagram and loved what you posted on your banner up top.
    You gotta let 'em know! ;)
    Be strong. Be you.
    You'll always have something so special that stands out, that says, I'm one-of-a-kind.
    Love to you, little bird of paradise.
