Monday, November 21, 2011


I am way way way way behind on my blogging. I have been hard at work lately making and selling at a bunch of wonderful street fairs and art festivals and I haven't really been able to do much else otherwise. Actually, the only reason that I an catch up at this very moment is because I'm sick :( Yeah, there's something gross going on inside of me, which has me on the couch not moving.
 Anyways, here's a little blog that featured one of my banner necklaces. Alexz of Bird Troubles writes wondefully, makes some great products, and just seems like an all around sweet, down to earth girl. Oh, and she has a great fashion sense.
By the way I love the poster at the beginning of her blog entry. I want it. I also want to stamp in on some jewelry. It's perfect.

Secondly- Happy Birthday to my wonderful sister, Lindsey!  Love you!
Now, I need to go practice sleeping... they say that's how you get better.
I have way more to blog about, but I need to get some pictures and stuff first. Bloggy stuff. Stuff you wanna see and read about stuff. You know, that stuff.
Stay tuned for a link to my blog interview by Lisa Sipe on and some pictures of my new work from my casting class at Mesa Arts Center.

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